The recipe for today's blog post is from Healthy Girl's Kitchen, which is by far my favorite blog to read and get inspiration from. One of the best recipes I've found on this blog is for a Chai Green Smoothie. She also has a blog post with a long list of green smoothies from her blog readers, I have tried a few of them and can't wait to try more! Here is the recipe I use for a chai green smoothie (very slightly different from HGK).
Chai Green Smoothie
1 c almond milk
1 T ground flaxseed
1 frozen banana
1 T raisins
big handful chopped celery
big handful fresh parsley
giant handful fresh spinach leaves
1 tsp chai spice blend (scroll down on link for recipe)
7 ice cubes
Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender with the frozen ingredients at the top. Blend till smooth. Enjoy!

Amy's notes: From the original recipe on HGK, I made a few very small changes. I cut 1/4 c of the almond milk out because I thought the smoothie was wet enough without and saves me time in measuring. I use raisins instead of dates because I have raisins I've been needing to use up, but I'm sure you could use any sort of dried fruit you would like. Today I used the leftover tops of celery stalks, which worked out great and saved on trashing veggie scraps.
Have you ever tried a green smoothie? Have you ever had greens in a breakfast before?
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