Dr. Fuhrman's Stuffed Artichokes

4 medium artichokes
3 stalks of fresh basil
1 c walnuts
1/2 c non-dairy milk
1 t dried oregano, or parsley
1t garlic powder

Amy's Notes: This dish turned out fairly well. The stuffing was a bit bland, so I added fresh ground black pepper to the top. In the future, I would want to make the original stuffing, then mix it with pre-cooked quinoa before stuffing it into the artichokes. Also, I would probably drizzle on some balsamic vinegar after baking for a bit more of a zing, since the stuffing was a bit bland. I didn't want to go overboard with adding too much to spice up the stuffing the first time for the recipe, as I tend to overdo it. As for serving size, this would be a great add on to a meal with another dish for four people, or most of the meal for two. I ate two of them and felt plenty full. Make sure, when you do eat them, to not only eat the whole hearts of the artichokes, but also to scrape the bottoms of the outer leaves for their edible flesh. Also, you don't want to eat the "fuzzy" part near the base and inside where the heart leaves are.
I have sometimes had the problem with recipe's from Dr. Fuhrman's website being too bland, although they are great nutritarian recipes at the core. I've tried to stray away from adding any salt, so I find myself adding fresh ground black pepper, balsamic vinegar, or cayenne pepper to dishes to spice them up, and make them more interesting. After all, eating a nutritarian, plant-strong diet is all about making vegetables the center of your meal, but also enjoying them! I've been thinking about other ingredients I could add to dishes to make them more interesting and enjoyable. I've seen a few recipe with a "smokey flavor" extract added, or nutritional yeast to give dishes a cheesy taste. Maybe I will have to try one of those.
What are some of your go-to ingredients to kick-up the flavor of a more bland recipe?
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